“Wherever you are, Be all there” – Jim Elliot

IMG_1134This picture was taken in Jamaica as my husband and I peacefully drifted down the Martha Brae River to Montego Bay. I can remember thinking how amazing it was and wanting to capture that moment on photograph and video, using the iphone, camera and GoPro.. just so I would never forget the experience.

The irony is, apart from loving this photo, I never watch the videos that we took and on the one occasion I did watch them, I didnt feel anything other than sadness. I now realise how foolish it was to miss the experience in favour of watching it on a screen at a later date.

If only I had the chance to relive that moment, I would close my eyes, take some deep breaths to balance myself and then I would allow the moment to fill all of my senses. I would listen to every sound, smell every scent and feel the water on my feet.

I would be completely present in that moment.

I would love to tell you that from this moment on I stopped using all of our gadgets and focused more on being present, but not only would that be a lie, it would be an unrealistic goal to acheive. I still want to capture things on film and take pictures to place around our home, but now I limit the time I spend using those gadgets so that my experience of the moment isn’t sacrificed. In truth, I still need to remind myself and my husband to put.the.camera.down. I have even gone so far as deleting Facebook from my iPhone so I have no temptation to scroll through my feed instead of engaging with the people and environment around me.

In todays world it is incredibly difficult to be present in every moment as we constantly have mental to do lists flying around our brains and external stressors reminding us there is something else we should be doing. It has got to the point where we have no idea how not to be busy, which is why we habitually click on every social networking app on our phone and scroll endless when we find we have a moment spare to ‘just be’.

This is what causes each day, each week, each month and each year to pass by at such a fast pace. I dont know about you, but I personally wouldn’t mind life slowing down a bit, and that is why I have made a pledge to be present in at least one activity each day. This sounds easy but it takes practice.

In order to be present, you must avoid external distractions. No phone calls, no texts, no emails and no thinking about what is next on your list of things to do. Focus purely on the task at hand, whether that is playing with your child, watching tv, reading a book or walking the dog. By doing this you actually give your brain a rest which in the long run can reduce your stress levels (Bonus!).

So go ahead, give it a go.. you never know, you might feel something new.


And So It Begins..

I can picture it now.. Its 1989, I’m 10 years old singing along to Kylie Minogue wearing my finest Borat style shell suit with purple wallabies on my feet (they are shoes, for anyone who may not remember). My friends and I are talking about what life will be like when we’re grown ups. I distinctly remember thinking by the age of 27 (yes 27.. Not 25 as that was too young!) I would be married with children, working a full time job and have my own house and a car.. I even fantasised about a white picket fence and a swinging chair on the porch, life at that point would be perfect. Clearly I’d watched far too many american films throughout my childhood.

Fast forward 27 years and here I am.. My predication was 10 years premature but at the grand old age of 37 I am finally married, I have two sons (3 and 17 years old), we have a family dog, we are fortunate to own our home and both have cars. I also have a job that I love.. Therefore, I guess I am what 10 year old me would call a successful grown up (Horray!)

In reality, I still feel as unsure about life as I did back then. I question and analyse most things; my relationships, my career, my parenting.. My very existence in fact. I use myself as a human guinea pig to explore ways to just.be.happier. I use my misfortunes and find ways to learn from them so I can pass on my lessons. I take courses, I read articals, I research studies.. I even based my career around mental wellbeing to learn more whilst continuing to help others in the process.

I’ve kind of made it my lifes purpose to learn and understand more about human happiness so that I can pass that knowledge onto others. That is what I hope this blog will do.. inspire, motivate and guide others toward a happier existance. It’s a journey we can go on together so feel free jump in, offer your own advice or just simply pass by and let me know if you’ve tried anything along the way – I’m glad to have you by my side.